TGO Challenge


Thursday 20 January 2011

Wanton vandalism

I have been confined to barracks, again, after aggravating my knee, which was a bit daft. The bruising has all but gone and there is no pain unless pressure is applied, but even then, not much pain, so I’m disappointed not to be back to full fitness after such a silly fall.

Never mind, there are other jobs to be done that don’t involve steaming up and down stairs or pounding up roads and across fields. I’ve been poring over the maps of my recently vetted route, making a note of significant grid references for the most tricky junctions. Maybe this isn’t everyone’s method, but it keeps me happy, except for one, minor detail…

Removing map covers and writing on them (some in china pencil) feels so wrong!

But then, sometimes, naughty is nice. Isn’t it?


  1. Ooh! All my maps are literally covered in my notes and scribblings. And very useful they are too, when, years later you revisit somewhere and your notes jog your memory of un-mapped open bothies or hill tracks and good places to wild camp, springs high up on ridges...

    And of course the names and locations of the good pubs.

    At one made time I even noted all the Munros, Corbetts and tops, so that if I accidentally strayed up one of them I knew what it was. (Actually very useful for this year's crossing on the TGO)

    Hope the knee improves - must be miserable for you.

  2. David doesn't mind scribbling notes, especially on his study books etc., but I was brought up to never write on a book, so this is a departure for me.
    I'll get used to it.
    The knee is annoying. It's such a stupid little injury, (not like trying to amputate a finger) so minor it's hardly worth mentioning, but it's causing such grief. So, yes, I'm a bit fed up because I don't have long to whip this butt into shape!

  3. Such a shame you don't feel 100% yet. Give it time though. Try plenty of warm baths and magazines full of new gear - that should do the trick! Buy a little book called 'How to Treat Your Own Knees' from Amazon - can't remember the author but it's a good read (all about knees?) and has a good exercise routine to get back to full knee function either after injury or with chronic problems. Thoroughly recommended.

  4. I've never had an issue with taking a cover off a map, but did shudder the first time I cut pages out of a guide book when I didn't want to carry the whole book.

    Since that first liberating act of wanton vandalism my qualms have reduced remarkably. One of our walking shelves (that being a bookshelf where we keep walking books, not a plank of wood that can walk...) now features many 'loose leaf' books where I have taken them apart and then later slipped the pages back into their rightful places.

  5. Gayle said "...I cut pages out of a guide book ..."

    AAGHH! Heretic! I have my hands over my eyes so I can't read that anymore!... [exits, mumbling]

  6. Laura, that sounds like the kind of book I need, now I'm entering the age of not healing like I used to!
    Gayle, you don't have a shelf that can walk itself, but you have walking books?! But I agree, putting the pages back where they belong is good. I've kept the map covers safely so the maps can be re-inserted.
    btw, my walking book shelf is limited, lots of maps, few guide books, but three of Cameron's books have recently made their way there.
    I do, however have two 'quarter master's stores' for all walking kit. It upsets me when others rootle through them...

  7. Here's the right info for the book I mentioned - it's called 'Treat Your Own Knees' by Jim Johnson - there's two paperback versions on Amazon - I have the older one but I think they're probably the same.

    I forgot to comment on your 'vandalism'... I also cannot bear writing in books and like you found it very hard to remove the map covers. I've kept them and taped them into a little cover/box for the naked map. I can't bring myself to write on maps either. I photocopy my route and write on the back instead! Then take both map and copy.

    I would love to have a dedicated 'store' - possibly a whole room? - for all the outdoor kit. At the moment the dining room is full of it!........

  8. Oh, you and me Laura, alike in so many (scary) ways!
    That is a really good idea, hadn't thought of that! Too late now, maps written on. The pain!
    I fear I might be out growing my stores. I haven't even tried to put at least two of my rucks in there, all the bladders live in a cupboard in the kitchen and as for walking footwear, no, lets not go there. And it's just been added to, more later!
    Come to think of it, I don't suppose much of David's kit gets into the stores either, not by itself anyway.


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