TGO Challenge


Friday 14 January 2011

Look, look, look!

(Did I get your attention?)
I postponed my walk slightly today so that I could wait in for the postman, just on the slight chance he might have a package for me. Bob and Rose have worked their magic and he did!
SDC11094 Look, sweeties too!
I wouldn’t let myself investigate further before I’d been for a walk, so a sped off for three miles down the cycle path and back. It was a beautiful day and much less slippery, thank goodness, but I still approached some bits a little gingerly as there had been a hard frost overnight.
Upon my return, I immediately set to, practice packing my fabulous new Pinnacle. Actually, it was probably more a case of stuffing everything in just to weigh it and what a difference!  Just 19.4 lbs, wow! That even includes the odd item I forgot last time, like sun cream, hand and  magic foot gels, pan lid, repellent. I’ve still to allow for water and a bit more food, but I’m so chuffed! Money well spent.
Now, I just need to work out the best way to pack it.
SDC11098 Looks a little dumpy, just like me! (You should see the side view. Except I’m less green…)
SDC11095 The devastation when I returned from my walk
Oh, I’m a happy bunny. Each day I’m getting more and more over-excited. I’m like a child looking forward to Christmas!
(Shaved a little more weight off myself too, which all helps. That’s half of the Festive overindulgence dealt with!)


  1. Yes I'm looking............very very nice! But are there no pockets? I don't think I could manage without pockets or a lid! But that's just me.........
    I'm very impressed with how quickly it arrived AND that you've already lost some pounds! I just keep eating.......

  2. There are a couple of elasticated pockets on the sides, a large zipped pocket on the front and some fab zipped pockets on the hip belt, which I love. Know what you about the lid thing, it concerns me a little, but I'll work round it somehow. The joy of losing nearly a kilo of weight just by changing my pack!
    I always find the first few pounds easy to shed, then get stuck. Before I give up and put them all back on again, with friends!


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