David was away last week for a few days, but I didn’t get up to much. On Wednesday I’d taken a stroll into town to collect some boots for the girls and bank a cheque. It was a beautiful day and I had a lovely gentle walk, taking an alternative route home. When I got back, I was gutted to find that somewhere along the way, I’d lost my summer Buff. I knew I’d taken it off and popped my hip belt through it (I have difficulty reaching into the side pockets without removing the pack) but I’d undone the belt when I was in the bank. I was so cross with myself, I never lose things (permanently, things sometimes get temporarily misplaced…). When the children came home from school, Ciara came into town with me because she has sharp eyes. I went into the bank, but nobody had handed in a Buff (poor chap hadn’t a clue what I was talking about, but he did check for me) but when we went back into the street, Ciara spotted a sad, screwed up bit of rubbish that turned out to be my Buff! Thank goodness it’s a dull beige, nobody had thought it interesting enough to pick up.
David came back Thursday, so we walked together on Friday, just a variation of the walk I did with the Girlies in January to Romach Reservoir. It was another beautiful day and we took the opportunity to do some map and compass work, just for a bit of practice. We didn’t get lost. 10.5 miles, 1219 ft ascent, 3 hrs 20 mins walking, 2.9 mph average.
Today we took the opportunity (beautiful weather again) for another little jaunt, this time starting from Carrbridge near Aviemore.
We took a slightly circuitous route to Sluggan Bridge
“The arrow pointed that way.”
“But the map says this way.”
“The arrow definitely said that way.”
“We’re sticking with the map.”
The path ‘on the map’ ran out in a glade. Out came the map/compass/GPS.
“The path’s just through those trees”…
Some stumbling, climbing over fallen trees, bog hopping and fence climbing ensued.
“Ah! There’s a path!”…
So we found Sluggan Bridge and crossed it. Onwards on reasonable tracks, part of a cycle route and off again to join General Wade’s Military Road. Lo and behold, there was a burn to ford, Allt Lorgy, the first time I’ve had to deploy my Keen sandals in anger.
The sandals did their job and I crossed happily and very quickly dried my feet, put my socks and boots on toot sweet. Shortly after, we had lunch. I practiced attaching the gas and lighting it myself, as my Trusty Sidekick usually does this bit.
We continued on and crossed back across the A9 safely, walked a short way up the B9153 to take a path into the woods to join the cycle path again. Here, things got a little tricky. The path petered out and was messed up by forestry works, so we followed the line of pylons we knew would transect the cycle path. That was fun.
We eventually stumbled across the cycle path and followed it back into Carrbridge and back to the car. A lovely day, but definitely a bit lost and found. 10.9 miles, 985 ft ascent, 3 hrs 52 mins moving, 2.5 mph average.
Enjoyed that.
Thank you, Brian! It was lots of fun and quite rewarding, knowing I can find myself if required. (Although, IAH, I'd rather not have to...)
Impressed with the river crossing - I'm just thinking about buying a pair of sandals to carry that I can walk in if necessary - I've been using a pair of crocs (just little slip ons not clogs) but they're not good enough for proper walking and if I'm lugging them they have to be useful (first rule of backpacking!!!)
I'm really pleased with those Keen sandals. They're really comfy and if I wasn't on rough terrain, I would be happy to walk in them a while to give my feet a change from boots. They make river crossings so much easier, they're not going to slip off, I'm not going to get sore feet and I'm not balancing precariously on rocks trying not to fall in! I'll be wearing them around camp and on little jaunts to local shops for supplies, I think they tick the 'useful' box!
Getting really excited now, 9 weeks and counting, yikes!! x
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