TGO Challenge


Friday, 25 May 2012

Home again, home again

I’m back, I know you’ve missed me!
So, that’s TGO Challenge 2012 done and dusted and it really lived up to its name. We had weather and lots of it and also adversities to face, but with some encouragement and support, I made my way across Scotland.
At this moment in time, I am trying to sort out the route  I actually did and collate the distances and ascents, but someone has been playing with my Memory Map in my absence so this is going to be time consuming!
I loved it. Despite the difficulties, I had an absolute ball and I will be filling out that form again later in the year. It’s a must do.
The story will follow...


  1. Well done Louise. Did you get an extra medal for putting up with JJ singing!

  2. Ah, there will be more about JJ's singing later!

  3. I don't suppose Tammy Wynette's "Stand by Your Man" featured in JJ's repertoire by any chance? Per-leeeeease say it did ;-)

  4. Oh, and jolly well done!!!! :-)

  5. Phil, the Mason's Arms witnessed a quick rendition by JJ and Andy (plus a few others) and I wish I'd had the presence of mind to take a photograph of Alan's face (I was distracted by my own pain at the time...). He asked, "How did you know?" I said "Guess." He said "Lambert, the b*****d!" or words to that effect. Mission accomplished ;-)

    Oh, and thanks!!

  6. Well done you! Looking forward to reading all about it.....

  7. Well done Louise, I hope you didn't suffer too much in that terrible weather! I'm looking forward to reading about your adventure.

  8. Ah yes, 'Two thirds of the A Team'...AKA 'The difficulties'!


  9. Hey Laura! It's on its way, now I've sorted my Memory Map, grrr.

    Geoff, the weather! Yes, the weather was interesting, more of that to come. Thanks.

    Hey JJ, you need a blog.

  10. Thanks for not mentioning the trousers.
    My puter's buggerred up as well. I suspect it's done it itself, though

  11. I haven't got to the trousers yet...

  12. Happy Birthday :)
    New feet for next year?

  13. Thank you and too right! Already in the planning, just not sure what or where from. Severe case of Elephantitis in my right foot/ankle today, think I may have upset the tendon, again. Bum.

    Hope Alan has turned up safe and well, poor love.

  14. He's briefly been on his blog.
    Other than that, no sign.

  15. Keep me posted Andrew please, you have my email?

  16. Thanks Martin. Yet another learning curve, but I'm loving it!


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