TGO Challenge


Monday 16 April 2012


For those of you of a nervous disposition who may not like to see a grown woman throwing a paddy, you may want to look away now.

For the rest of you, you are going to be sorely disappointed. This is a major whinge about me.

I had a bad night last night, unsettled. I could have been worried about getting up in time to turf the offspring out to school, but it’s not something that would usually worry me.

I’d been up a while this morning, emptied the dishwasher, made a cup of tea and was relaxing in front of the news before the three eldest sloped off to catch the bus. I was feeling a little grotty, my neck and jaw were sore and uncomfortable, so I had a peer down my throat, like you do.

Unbelievable! My left tonsil (it’s always the left!) is red, inflamed and covered in white spots. Again!

This is not fair.

I had intended to stroll into town this morning and lengthen the circuit slightly for a bit of variety, especially as the forecast for the rest of the week does not look enticing. Today is a beautiful day, with fabulous views over the bay towards snow-capped hills, Ben Wyvis, the Strathfarrar hills and the northern Monadhliath.

Sensible head said no, don’t walk.

Grumpy head said compromise, do the usual brisk, daily stroll and take a couple of days off while the weather is grim.

Moan, groan, grumble…


  1. 24 days to get it sorted Louise.
    Best to get on the case now. :(

    See I came from an era when Tonsils were just taken out as a matter of course.
    Now they don't bother.

    At least you didn't post photo's of the tonsils.

  2. 'parently, I have to have 5 or 6 attacks in a year to get them whipped out. I'd rather not...

  3. My Farther in Law has the gadget that they used to whip them out with.
    He's retired now though, so probably illegal to perform minor surgery.

    Half a bottle of Glen Livet and a Leatherman tool should do it.

  4. Er, thanks. I'll bear that in mind.

  5. So kind!
    Could always just cut my head off with spoon, that should sort it...

  6. I was held down on a table in the Clova Inn bar and a Swiss Army pen knife with a sawblade was produced to cut off my gouty toe.

    A close shave.

    My gout pills have since cured the toe!

    Get well Missy!

  7. Oo, a gouty toe, nasty.

    I'll try, the weather might help for a day or two, it's grim!

  8. Hi Lou,
    Sorry to hear that. I got tonsillitis on my last trip to Skye.
    So bad Sheila rushed me into Hospital in Portree.
    Since then i use Propallis that i get from Holland and Barrett. It tastes a bit like a beef extract but it seems to work for me.
    Hope you clear it up soon.

  9. I shall seek that out Al, sounds interesting.

  10. The Propolis i use is here at the link.
    I gargle with it.
    Also try Natural sea salt. 4 tea spoons in some warm water, gargle 2x a day.
    I used the above after i had finished the antibiotics they gave me at Portree.
    Touch wood, it hasn't come back.

  11. I'm just home and looked at your post - poor you! My mother always made me gargle with salty water - not nice but it does seem to work!

    On a selfish note, does this mean you won't be coming out to play this week?

  12. I'm better!!

    Ooo, yes, I want to play, please!

    When? Where? Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday are best for me :-)


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