TGO Challenge


Thursday 16 February 2012

Silk purse out of a sow’s ear

I couldn’t go all that way and not go for a walk, but I had a map and no compass. I decided to go for another walk from Revack Lodge as I wouldn’t even need the map.

This time, I decided to make my way up to the view point before continuing with the rest of the route as I’d missed it the last twice I’d been there.

SDC12350 Looking a bit grim over the Monadliath

SDC12352 And a bit further north

SDC12353 I crossed this sweet little bridge

SDC12354 And by this time, the sky towards the east was looking a little better

SDC12356 My lunch time perch

I took a slight diversion before joining The Way, to avoid going through the friendly farmer’s farm yard and I ended up going passed the Abernethy Trust Outdoor Centre and behind the village school before plodding up a track to join The Way at NJ 003 213, a much better route. Especially as it meant I got to chat to this little chap and his companion, who he wouldn’t let say hello to me!

SDC12364Donkey and little friend

I didn’t see anyone until I joined The Way where I met a couple of chaps with binoculars, a father and two children coughed politely to attract my attention as they cycled up behind me (I jumped out of my skin…) and a couple were leaving the car park as I returned. Oh, and this chap, but I didn’t speak to him.

SDC12366I think he was fishing

SDC12367The weather had improved vastly by the end of the day and it was very warm

Due to the detours, 15.7km, 357m and 5hrs including stops, but that’s all a rough guide as the GPS is currently down south.

Actually, I quite enjoyed myself in the end.


  1. Not this time. I carried a flask of hot chocolate all the way round and gave it to the children when I got home!

    Next time :-)

  2. Ah the wonderful Monadliath for as long as they are still free of the stupidty of mankind.

    Well, the utter stupidtity of one deluded man anyway.

    The never ending brown landscape!

    Takes me back.

    Just under 11 weeks to go.....and counting!


  3. Unbelievably excited!!! I did notice that my new, shiny rucksack seems to have found it's way out of The Quarter Master's stores and into the bedroom, poised and ready to be packed. Just a tad keen :-)


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