TGO Challenge


Friday 10 February 2012

A glitch, a small fly, a pain in the neck!

Nothing major, but it does put a stop to my plans for tomorrow, so anyone expecting a report about a Corbett will have to wait a while.

As I drove Aedan to his shooting lesson this morning, I had a warning light on the dashboard flash at me intermittently. We had a problem with this at New Year and a nice man came to rescue us at Tesco. When he attached his electrical gadgetry, he was able to diagnose the problem and also clear the message, so we were able to drive home to see if there was a repeat.

This is obviously it.

This time however, a rescue would have been a little more complicated. David is covered, not the car or me. I would have to use the other rescue service cover provided by my bank account (I like a round about route…) but didn’t have the details on me (doh!). The light hadn’t been on permanently as last time, so I risked a cautious drive home and there was no repeat. This just makes for a dilemma but it’s a no for a proper walk tomorrow now, pants. The bus service has been dramatically cut since we last lived without a car, so there will be much more walking locally in the short term and maybe a few less activity nights for a week or so until we get things sorted.



  1. That is a bummer! Don't let it stop you get the land under your feet completely.

    Hope it isn't costly. Mine's in for MOT next week - judgement awaited.

  2. Funnily enough, being carless forces outdoor activity! If nothing else, when the car is dropped off, we catch the train to town and then walk nearly three miles home and reverse the trip to collect it, so I will get some exercise out of this, just rather flat and less scenic! Hopefully, should have it back by Wednesday, so I may treat myself to a day in the hills mid-week to cheer me up.

    That's if we can still afford to put fuel in when we've paid the bill...

    Good luck with the MOT :-)


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