TGO Challenge


Friday 11 November 2011

Oh, p-lease!

The day started so well! Well, sort of.

No ‘plop’ on the doormat when the postie delivered the post, but at least a present and card for the eldest daughter’s  impending 16th birthday on Monday.

I dared myself to go online and check the message board, no one else had had one either, phew!

On my brisk morning walk I made myself pause to finally identify the bird who’s song I hear regularly. Sure enough, as the little bird darted through the branches of the pine trees, the sun eventually peeped out from behind the clouds for a moment long enough to make the little bird’s crest glow. A gold crest! Thought so, good stuff.

When I returned, I had time to anoint the Christmas cake that I baked yesterday with brandy before the two minute silence and when I popped it into my dark, cool cupboard, I happened across another Christmas pudding! I thought I only had two left, bonus.

So, on to buy a couple of books with my National Book Token.

Oh, if only! Nope, you can’t buy books with them online. That is not convenient.

Eldest son has asked to go skating with friends in town on Sunday, but it clashes a little with the parade that Ciara is going to, being a good Guide, so I thought he could go by bus, virtually door to door. Well, apparently not on a Sunday. Going by train means I’ll have to drop and collect him from the station, my trips onto town have now doubled. Ho hum, so much for trying to be green (and save cash).

But none of this distracts me from the fact that every available digit is still crossed…

(Life’s a bit dull around here, can you tell?!)


  1. It's that ghastly time of the year.

    Every plop through the letter box is rushed at, only to slink away with a pile of bills and junk mail...

    I does seem that the Fat Controller is taking his time with it this year... but best not to mention that too loudly... Don't want him to get the hump... I wonder what Sierra's favourite sweeties are?

  2. But you haven't said what you're waiting for...? I wonder what it is? Whatever it is, it'll likely be postmarked "Bradford"...... justaguess...

  3. Hi boys! Isn't it just the most antagonizing wait? I'm so glad I'm not as superstitous as some about pre-planning a route, it'd be killing me!
    I'll be able to get my own back. As soon as the route sheets are released, I'll spend a few minutes doing a bit of cut and paste before it'll be winging it's way through the ether. I wouldn't want to keep anybody waiting...

  4. A week on, and still nothing!
    I have so many bits crossed I have lost circulation in most of my anatomy.
    And the letter will go to Boss Sloman not me initially, because he is TOP CAT!



Seem to have been getting a lot of spam lately...