TGO Challenge


Thursday 1 September 2011

A short intermission

Sadly, not because I’m going anywhere nice.

I have a visitor this weekend, (the weekend that is intensely busy what with a practice D of E expedition, mending a puncture, preparing for Guide Camp and other ‘stuff’) and whilst I can happily blank out the sound of children taking lumps out of each other as I merrily browse the internet, the Subtle Huffing and Tutting from the corner tends to hack me off after a while. It’s easier (and far less painful) to catch up in a few days.

Dare say you won’t even notice.

Now, where’s the gin stashed?


  1. Careful now, computers have ears....

  2. I take it your 'Huffer & Tutter' doesn't read your blog then?

    (This could be the shortest lived blog post, ever...)

    Ha! Word = "moningn" !!!

  3. Confirmed techno phobe, thank goodness!

  4. Put on your boots, and go out! Maybe even take the gin with you?


Seem to have been getting a lot of spam lately...