TGO Challenge


Thursday 4 August 2011


We’re suppose to be boiling our water in this locality, e-coli has been found. I found out accidently using the BBC red button just before I went to bed last night. About 10.40pm, a little man shoved a warning card through my letter box. “Useful,” I thought, “How many people will rise in the morning, clean their teeth, eat their breakfast, then leave for work and find the warning as they go to the front door?” I at least managed to take a mug of previously boiled water into the bathroom to use to clean my teeth. Shame I forgot about it until I left the bathroom.

Mind you, at least their kettle and mug cupboard won’t be being guarded by an enormous spider…


  1. Well Louise, Inconvenient is far better than incontinent! So i’m told.

  2. You're quite right Alan, I think I accidently found out earlier than most people, so I really just felt a little sorry for those that will have used the water unwittingly and will now be in a panic.

    My understanding is that the problem is minor and most people would be unaffected anyway, so it's precautionary, fair enough. We're still waiting for the all clear. Mind you, once the notion is in your head, it's a little off putting...

    For me, the inconvenience was just one thing after the other, the water, the bike, the Monster. All I wanted to do was go to bed! Hey ho.

  3. Time to get the travel tap out and get those muscles working. Or did you eventually go for the drops.

  4. I got drops in the end, but Travel Tap and drops have both crossed my mind since last night, funnily enough! Probably cheaper and better for the planet than all this boiling...


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