TGO Challenge


Saturday 20 August 2011

Here we go again

Well, the October copy of TGO Magazine plopped onto my doormat this morning. The wrapper was duly ripped off, pages thumbed and the entry form carefully torn out. It has been filled in, (much easier this year!) the cheque signed, popped into a stamped, addressed envelope and posted.
I know there’s no prize for getting the form in quickly, it’s more of a ‘strike while the iron is hot’ thing. After two and a half months of consideration and asking “Do you really want to?” TTS agreed to my application, on the understanding that I can cope with crushing disappointment if I don’t get on.
Speaking of The Challenge, the observant amongst you may have noticed a new button on the right of my blog. I have now made a separate page for this years Challenge, a time consuming copy and paste procedure and uploading each photograph in blogger (I usually write in livewriter, but having read Alan’s comments here felt this was the best option for me). No longer will anyone who might happen along have to read my account back to front!


  1. That's impressive promptness. Fingers crossed (metaphorically; I don't think it would be practical to keep them physically crossed for all the months until the draw takes place) for you getting a place.

    (BTW, that TGOC button on the left hand side of your blog is on the right hand side when I'm looking at it...)

  2. Good job with the Challenge write up!
    Don't like to boast but my accounts were already the right way round! Well, they're all there except the one I haven't finished writing up yet!!!!
    I will get round to it, I will, I will........

  3. Gayle, I had to be quick before anyone changed their mind!
    Give me the points of the compass any day, tell me left or right and I'm lost! Sorted now, thank you.

  4. Laura, I think I was so keen to get my memories down I didn't really think it through, so 'next time' I shall publish a separate page only. Must keep the crowds happy!

  5. Woo!

    My local WHSmith won't have the mag in stock for ages yet...

    I hear the Deppity has received your entry already? Well done Miss!

    And clever stuff with your last year's report as well... Doing mine was a nightmare!

  6. Well, how could I let that pass after all the effort to put it in chronological order? Your account is now on the Doodlecat TGO list! (if it doesn't show up first time, just 'refresh' the page).

    Good luck with your application - and just to cheer you up, your chances have increased by .033%!!! This year would have been my tenth (guaranteed place) but life has got in the way so I won't be applying. The odds are tipped infinitessimly in your favour.

    (if you DO get in I may show up at the Park to claim my reward - a large Talisker will do nicely).

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Alan, don't think it was my application, haven't had an email yet :-(
    Having read about the mare you had with your account, I went for my simple, straightforward, technophobe approach. Longwinded, but effective!

    Phil, oo, thank you! That's an honour I never expected! I read all those accounts when I first discovered the Challenge and they were inspirational and a brilliant read. To have them all so easily accessible is a brilliant idea for people like me, thank you for including mine.

    Sorry you won't be applying, but if it makes a little space for me, a Talisker is yours!

  9. I'd love to read your trip report also next year, so good luck in the TGOC lottery!

  10. Thank you Maria! I've got everything crossed and I'm trying not to think about it anymore, for a while.
    Apart from a bit of route tinkering.
    And browsing for new gear...


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