TGO Challenge


Monday 29 August 2011

A filthy day

Aedan is doing his D of E practice next weekend so we took him out yesterday for a little navigation refresher.

It was a wet, windy and generally miserable day.SDC12289Discussion

I wore my Paramo with a couple of merino layers (I knew there would be a lot of standing around!) and I was warm and dry, but I want to wear it for longer in filthy conditions to be fully confident.

Maybe a day like today…


  1. Glad you seem to like the Paramo - as you know I'm a firm fact I'm thinking about buying a new pair of Paramo waterproof trousers. Only 'thinking' at this stage......

  2. Ah ha! I'm 'thinking' along the same lines, but don't tell David! After yesterday's foray into the Chalamain Gap (more soon!) I seem to think me and my Paramo will get along fine.


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