TGO Challenge


Saturday 16 July 2011

Did you miss me?

Yeah, sure you did. I can hear the stampede of bloggers rushing to read the new post... Well, you can wait a while longer, I've lots to do before I can spend time writing up our activities, not least charging the camera battery so I can download a million and one photographs, then choose a couple to punctuate the post. Onwards!


  1. Oooh, suspense! Where have you been? What have you been doing? What have you been photographing? I guess all will be revealed with a little more patience (but you have been silent for *weeks*)

  2. Oh well, just a Little Clue then. Orkney!
    Now, patience is a virtue child.

    (I use this phrase a lot and our youngest daughter informs me;
    "Patience is a virtue,
    Virtue is a grace,
    Grace is a little girl with a dirty face."
    Apparently, my mother told her so...)

  3. ...drumming fingers on desk.... whistling a happy tune... flicking through other less interesting blogs while I wait.... looking at the cracks in the ceiling.... and still I wait...
    Orkney, eh?

  4. Blimey, midnight? That's keen. And you'll still be waiting...

  5. I’m sure the wait will be worth it. And just like bus’s when one comes another couple will be straight behind it.
    I’ll go and make a coffee.

  6. Might be a little slower than usual, with the school holidays there are four little treasures to 'entertain' (seperate...) there'll be lots of interruptions. Maybe I should get a job, would be quieter...


Seem to have been getting a lot of spam lately...