TGO Challenge


Saturday 28 May 2011

TGO Challenge day 8

Friday 20th May, 2011
Mar Lodge to Braemar
4.79 miles 458 ft
I was right, I spent a lot of the night fretting about my heel. It was throbbing, hot and disturbed me numerous times, but that could have been my over active imagination!
When I got up and ventured downstairs, we were all up, but plans were again being slightly altered. The weather was miserable, it even appeared to be snowing from time to time. Mick and Gayle delayed their departure so that they could ‘pop up’ Morrone, some of us decided on a more sedate plod to Braemar, Pat left early regardless of the weather, doing a fine impression of Nanuke of the North! Much tea and coffee was consumed in the meantime.
We were soon all on our way, although more Challengers were discovered enjoying the pleasures of the kitchen before we left, including Stan.SDC11679
Mar Lodge, from the front
As Robert and I strolled along the road, chatting, we caught up with a slow moving, green rucksack cover with legs. When, for a brief moment, the rucksack cover turned to the side, I recognised the profile. “Laura!” “Who’s that?” “It’s Louise!” “Hello!”
 SDC11680 Quite a nice day
So the three of us chatted and strolled into Braemar in search of coffee and cake, which we found after Pat sent us on a wild goose chase. Then we found Mick and Gayle, then egg and chips followed by the outdoor shop. We decided it was time to make for the campsite and I got such grief for wanting two pitches.
SDC11682 How dare I want two pitches?
SDC11685 Hardly stuffed to the gunwales. Yet.
We made our way back into the village and ended up in the Fife Arms only for David and the children to arrive mid drink. We retired to the campsite to pitch both tents and consume chicken curry. I didn’t fancy much wine, I was too cold and ended up going to bed, tired but happy.

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