TGO Challenge


Sunday 27 March 2011

Sunshine Sally rides again

Saturday saw us embarking on the end of March Girly Walk, this time an easy stroll along the River Nairn to Cawdor and back. It wasn’t the adventure I’d originally planned, but due to the recent heavy snowfall followed by a major thaw, the rivers and burns had been in spate and a decision had to be made in good time, so safety came first and a walk to the pub it was! The Girlies were Me, Angela, Alison C., Babs, Jo, Judith, Pip and Sunshine Sally. Not forgetting Molly the black lab.

SDC11336 Heading south to the pub

SDC11338 Coffee break

It was a jolly old saunter, surveying the devastation from recent floods along the bank, some of which had been washed away. The weather was up to Sunshine Sally’s normal high standards, warm, mostly dry and generally sunny.

SDC11340 Scarlet Elf Cup,(Sarcoscypha austriaca) found in shady, damp places on twigs and fallen branches (especially hazel)

SDC11342 A recently stranded holly tree and friend


More debris

SDC11345 Bog of Cawdor picnic, with table provided

We all had a pleasant time in the pub, the porcelain was well visited and a range of drinks consumed, tea, Pimms and lemonade, Crabbies Green Ginger Wine and hot water, whisky and hot water (for the sicky), half a shandy and two halves of Orkney Ales Corncrake (yum!)

SDC11346 Show me the way to go home…

A lovely day out, 13.2 miles, 372 ft total ascent, 2.7 mph average, not sure of times. The general consensus was “very civilised”. Good training for me, walking and a pub!


  1. The right arm - usually horribly under-exercised until the Challenge. It's good to get decent training in.

    13 miles eh? Impressed...

  2. Thanks Alan.
    The real ale was the most important part (walks more than 10 miles are becoming regular) I'm getting quite partial to Cairngorm Brewery offerings. I enjoyed a swift half of Stag after our last Cawdor walk and there has been some sampling at home, but that never has the same feel.
    Getting excited now!

  3. What a dream, to actually have hiking buddies. I have none and walk alone, though John Muir had no problems with it, me thinks he never ran into the black bear I encountered.... :}

  4. Thankfully, no black bears around here! Walking alone is going to be the biggest Challenge.


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