TGO Challenge


Monday 3 May 2010

Walking, there’s been a bit

Admittedly, not an awful lot.

I did the usual Monday circuit with Louise and Lynne on the 26th, Angela couldn’t join us because of the girly walk we’d done the day before, oops! We checked on the osprey and they are still there, which was a relief as none of us had seen any sign of them for a fortnight. Thankfully, it must all have been about timing.

We did the usual girly walk on the 25th. Angela’s husband had kindly worked out a fifteen mile circuit, taking us over ground that all of us knew a bit of, just not necessarily the same bit. This was to prove entertaining as we got further into the walk!

I provided the taxi and parked it at Clashdu, part of the Dava Way and we set off towards Craigroy, onto Tomnamoon, Johnstripe and the Divie Viaduct.


After passing under the Viaduct, we had a conflab. Angela’s knee was not good, she’d overdone it the week before (!!!!) and Judith had only intended a short walk with us before being rescued, so as a physio, she strongly encouraged Angela to go with her.

So there we were, Me, Jo, Alison, Sarah and Pip (a person, not a four legged friend.) We continued across the road and down a lane that is clearly signed Private, but we don’t care! Onwards towards Dunphail House, Relugas and Daltulich Bridge. This section was intersting because I had the map, but the only person who’d done it was Judith. Ahh. Down to my map reading skills then.

Well, we found the bridge, so that was good! We also had the ‘Sally Effect’, as she wasn’t walking with us, it rained. Straight down, wet rain. Waterproofs were deployed.

The path from the bridge took us north along the bank of the Findhorn. Now, with all the snow melt of late, the Findhorn is running pretty high and fast. Raging torrents spring to mind. And this path is high and narrow. Luckily, Sarah knew this bit, so she took the lead and Jo and I brought up the rear so they didn’t have to suffer/witness my minor attack of vertigo and Jo was a love and looked after me. What a wuss! I think the speed of the water flow didn’t help.

There was much scrambling to be had on sections of the high, narrow path that had been washed away. I had no idea that such slopey bits could be so soggy! Alison and I both sank up to our knees at some points, not quite sure how the others remained so much drier and less muddy.

We slithered onwards, past Randolph’s Leap (felt quite ill at that point) and off towards Logie Steading. Alan would be so proud, we stopped and had coffee and cake! Although, Jo and I both sighed “Real toilets!” and rushed first to the cupboard in which they were kept to cries of “Porcelain, doors and running water!”. A shade snug with a small pack on, but at least I took mine off and left it by the wash hand basin. Jo realised her mistake soon after, but managed to escape. Our relief was two fold at this point, it stopped raining at this point.

After hot coffee (chilled elderflower presse in my case) and cake were suitably enjoyed, we abandoned Pip and Sarah to their fate, (a lift home, they waved on the way past…) Jo, Alison and I took the scenic route down the long, long driveway and up the long and winding road to the A940, which was crossed quick smart. We then paddled through mud and farmyard muck to Peathillock and rejoined the Dava Way to return to Clashdu.

It was a lovely day out, despite the rain and an interesting method of navigation (“Who knows this bit?”).

(Data will have to be added later, I currently have a technical hitch.)


  1. It's great walking with a nice gang. Sounds like a good walk. I know what you mean about the vertigo thing, especially with big, fast running water. Everything gets all a bit swirly in the head...

  2. Planning Munros seems a little daft to me, with my vertigo. I tend to find with big hills I'm fine as I walk up because I'm studying my feet (I trip up. A lot...). When I get to the top, I have to sit down before I can enjoy the view. From that point on, gets a little tricky. I must be mad.


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