TGO Challenge


Tuesday 25 May 2010

Promises, promises

My mother always told me never to make rash promises. So, explain to me how I managed to promise the boys we’d go to Landmark for a joint birthday treat? Mad woman.

The children had a few in-service days, giving us a long weekend to entertain them and it was decided we should do the deed. Off we went to Carrbridge for the day.

It was a perfect day for it, as it turned out. Dull, but warm and dry, not too many people, even considering the bus load of school children. We didn’t queue for any of the rides, which is unheard of. The best thing is probably that the children are old and big enough to wander off together as a group without a pair of middle aged fuddy duddies following on behind.

So, explain to me how I found myself wearing a harness, clipped on to the safety wires for the Tarzan Trail, (a high wire challenge for those who do not meet the height requirement for RopeworX, (and for those who are more comfortable slightly nearer to the ground!).) I think it’s about 8’ off the ground, with my 5’ 5’’, that’s quite high.

I did it! Made my hands sore, my arms and legs were like jelly, but I did it.

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I had to go for a little sit down for a while, then a bit of a walk, then I was persuaded to have another shot, build myself up for RopeworX. I did say that would never happen, but I did make it round the Tarzan Trail again, a little speedier this time.

Then, it happened. I found myself harnessed and clipped onto RopeworX. It did briefly cross my mind that I’d made a dreadful mistake, but I couldn’t bear the idea of being rescued and lowered down a rope from a really high platform, so, I did it!

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I actually found I could trust and rely on the harness and rope without too much concern. Odd really.

No idea how came to be climbing up a 30’ pole to do a sky dive. That was madness. Complete surprise to me, but I knew if I stopped climbing, I’d be stuck. I knew I didn’t want to be rescued (although Rob, the American Tarzan attendant was obviously desperate for a good laugh!) I had to do it. I got to the platform, did quite a lot of heavy breathing and…

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Stepped off!

And screeeaaaaammmmmmed all the way to the bottom where my legs were too jelly to land anyway other than on my back.

That was dramatic!” said Rob.

Er, yeah!

But that was it, my adventures for the day over. And what did it achieve? What did I prove? Not sure. I did it. Despite the paralysing fear, my mind took control and I did it.

I don’t know if this will be a small (rather unusual!) step towards getting control of my vertigo, but it does seem madness that I could do all that, but I don’t like standing on my own two feet on top of a big hill.

Oh, and the children had a fantastic day out, by the way.

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