TGO Challenge


Sunday 7 February 2010

Yet another break in my stride

It has come to my attention that, every time I get organised and into a rhythm of walking regularly, there will be a technical hitch to foil me.

This time last year, Aedan, poor wee soul, had shingles, followed by Ciara being of school, so that was about a month’s worth of interruption. Lengthy school holidays have always been a bit of a nuisance whilst the children were small, but that situation is improving. Then I was mown down by an overly sturdy golden retriever, causing damage to my Achilles which slowed me down, then we had ridiculous amounts of ice, although if that happens again, I have the technology to overcome the problem!

Now, I’m struggling with the reoccurrence of a problem that struck me down about two years ago. A trapped nerve in my upper back, somewhere in the region of my left shoulder blade. This time, I’m taking action earlier and have my self referral form filled in and ready to hand in to the physiotherapy department at the local hospital, but I’m still finding the pain debilitating and quite depressing. It’s dull but persistent, until I do something silly and get a huge jolting pain, it’s even spreading round my rib cage to the front this time, which is a new trick. Yesterday, I managed to spill scalding soup into my lap and burn the insides of my thighs too, just for added entertainment. Muppet!

My friends came to the rescue last night however, as a select group were invited to Hoppy Angela’s for a soiree and we had a really good natter and a giggle, such a tonic. David was a star as he played taxi driver, seeing as I can’t drive and looked after the children too.

So, here I sit, with a hot water bottle down my back, hoping I can get an appointment this week. I need some sleep. I do wonder if someone somewhere is trying to tell me something…


  1. Hi Louise

    Pain is rather debilitating as I have found out over the last 8 months. Interestingly, what I thought was a shoulder problem for some time was actually a problem with the discs in my neck. I have had pain radiating down my arm but also round the front into my ribs - this is compensation for the problems round the back. Nerve pain can take some time to resolve. You need to be in top form to do the Challenge, so be careful in the meantime! The pain I have started a week after last year's Challenge finished - mmmm, strange....

  2. Hi Sue
    Constant pain is an awful thing, it's not just physically hard to deal with, but mentally too.
    I'm waiting to hear from the physio, hopefully I may get an appointment before the weekend which would be a relief. A friend has lent me a wheat bag, which I have had draped around my neck and shoulder since Sunday afternoon. I had no idea of their magical qualities! In reality, I think the pain was exacerbated by the muscles going into spasm, so now they have relaxed a bit with the constant warmth, I'm feeling much better. Just the massive stabbing when I move to deal with!
    Being fit for the Challenge, yes, well, that's getting more interesting as the weeks go by, fit for nothing at this rate!
    I do hope your situation improves, that's a long time to have been suffering. The oat and mincemeat bars were a huge hit by the way!


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