TGO Challenge


Wednesday 3 February 2010

Keeping myself occupied, but not enough

I am at least getting into the habit of walking, if not everyday. Whilst I’ve been waiting for my computer to backup, I’ve been occupying myself with things like making a spreadsheet for my weekly walks and reviewing the spreadsheet of my kit list to reduce the size of my pack. I’ve got it down to just over 23lbs, yey!

Apparently I’m averaging just over 15 miles a week, which is pants, but I have only just got back to walking regularly, what with the weather being the way it has, so I shall be kind to myself, till next week.

Sadly, whilst I was softening the chopped onions yesterday to make a chilli con carni, I occupied myself by separating the herbs and spices in the cupboard and then putting them into alphabetical order. David said that was OCD.

Maybe he has a point.


  1. Does smack of "Sleeping with the Enemy"

  2. Actually, the towels do have to be hung the right way, although I don't fuss about them being level. The tinned fruit/veg cupboard is a tad organised.

    Quite like a bit of Berlioz too.

    Don't ever run away and put mum in a nursing home, will you?!

  3. Herbs and spices must be in the right order, otherwise chaos will reign in the kitchen, Louise. You should know that. Or should that be 'David should know that'?!.

  4. Too true!

    (And I think Anonymous maybe my sister, so she should too!)

  5. The tins thing.... Don't you dare look in my cupboards... If they are the wrong way round, how on earth do you know what the tins are, for goodness sake!

    Plates and cups need a good sorting out too.

  6. Alphabeticaal is absolutely the wrong way to sort herbs and spices. They should be indexed properly according to their uses using a kalamazoo cardex and a terminal digit filing system.
    Otherwise you're bound to have spices immediately next to herbs which, I'm sure you will agree would be bizarre and then nobody would get any sleep....

  7. You're such a pedant, Michelle, I hadn't realised!

  8. Alan: Plates and bowls in one cupboard, glasses, mugs and cups in another. I can fit them all into their respective cupboards because I do it in the right order. David, on the other hand, needs further training...

    Mike: You appear to be using a filing system from before my time. Perhaps my father would have been more familiar with it?

    Martin: There's tidy and there's obviously extremes!


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