TGO Challenge


Tuesday 10 November 2009


Backpackinglight, living up to their excellent reputation, have delivered my new gear and I’ve got a packet of sweeties (Rowntree’s Randoms. New to me!) to hide from the children so I can snaffle them up a hill somewhere in peace!

I now have no excuse for my kit being wet as it will all be double waterproof wrapped for protection in liners and a rain cover for good measure. We have a new Primus Eta Power Pot to boil enough water, quickly and efficiently, for both meals in one go. We have waterproof glasses carriers, although I have yet to ascertain if my glasses will fit. We have a Travel Tap water filter for my peace of mind, a trowel which is obviously essential and midge head nets because, at times, they_are_hideous.

Now we have our stand-by numbers, I’m a bit dubious if we’ll use them next spring, but they’ll still be serviceable in 2011…

Hey ho.


  1. OOH! So - What's your numbers on the list then?

    I hope it's in the low numbers...

  2. Ah. Slight technical hitch there. We desperately need numbers 31-60 to decide they really don't stand a chance and drop out so that we might...

  3. People drop out a lot. Some the day before. Alan would say be ready the night before and see if you get in. Living in Scotland you could phone Roger on the first morning at a start point even and see if you get on. Just a thought.

  4. I'm kind of hoping that because of the way the operation of the stand by list has apparently changed this year, people with numbers between 31 and 60 will decide they have no chance and withdraw from the list, there by leaving us with a marginally improved position!

    However, that's a selfish thought. My route will still be good 2011. This bit's the hardest, the walk will be a doddle after all this stress!

    But thanks for the idea Martin, it's a possibility.

  5. Sadly, Louise, I don't think Martin's idea is a 'goer' this year as Uncle Roger is not taking anyone else on after 1st April - at that point he lets the numbers dwindle from the topped up 330 down to nearer the 300 target for the walk. This means that you do need to be accepted by 1st april or it's not at all.

    But you are right - it is worth crossing your fingers and hoping that over thirty drop out before 1st April and the next 30 drop out with horrid standby numbers...

  6. (I knew that Alan, but I assumed Martin didn't and thought he was trying to be encouraging, which is a nice thing to do!)

    As it happens, I now have an alternative, just incase, so we still have something to look forward to. Although I would still rather do the Chally!

    My mother still wants to come up and as I find a fortnight an awfully long time, she's suggested David and I go away for a week camping (might do something more luxurious, she doesn't need to know...) and just spend a few days with her before she goes back home. Yey! Quids in.


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