TGO Challenge


Friday 22 April 2022

Little Conval and Meikle Conval

Another opportunity for a walk, so we decided to bag a couple of local hills, one of which had a trig. The weather was fine and quite warm.

We parked in Dufftown and walked along the road out of town, heading roughly SW. There is a path on the verge for most of the way, before we crossed the road and them headed uphill. I found this to be hard work and quite demoralising at the time, but I have since decided that I am so used to running now that walking felt slow and hard work. It felt like an age before we reached the top of Little Conval and bagged the trig. There is a track all the way. We had a bite to eat and a drink before turning around and heading downhill. I also change my jacket, it was breezy and quite cool at the top. After returning to the bealach, we headed uphill once more, this time on a small, boggy path heading up through the heather and boggy patches. I found this bit easier. There is no logic to this. It did not take too long to reach the top, just a brief stop as it was still breezy and cool, we took a quick bearing to find the track down heading E. Instead of taking the slightly longer route on a minor road back to the town centre, we returned on our outward route.

Roughly 12.82km and 609m ascent

Thoroughly enjoyed myself in lovely company.

We may have found a coffee shop...

Ben Rinnes

Ben Rinnes

Berryburn Anti-clockwise Circuit with David

We had a rare opportunity for a walk the day after Boxing Day, but stayed quite local and chose a circuit at one of the nearby windfarms. Not an ideal location, but half decent tracks and convenient. The weather was cold with a chance of rain, which of course it did, but not torrentially. My phone was in the Aquapac case I got for Christmas, it may have affected the quality of my photographs.

Roughly 13.62km and 224m ascent

Lovely company