TGO Challenge


Friday 3 March 2017

There has been walking, just not a lot…

Laura and I have enjoyed a couple of local walks lately that have been repeats of local walks. We were more focussed on the chatting and lunch than having adventures. We repeated a recent walk at Logie Steading before Christmas, then did a longer walk from my front door before she went on her travels again. Both walks were lovely, despite being somewhat familiar to us.


Logie’s rare breed cattle, feeling a little itchy


Happened across a stag!!




‘The Castle’



5.93 miles 711 ft total ascent

9.65 miles 647 ft total ascent

Mick and Gayle have been for a visit, primarily to introduce Bertie to us. He is very smart and I am quite smitten!

There was walking too, both from my front door. I have taken M&G onto Altyre Estate before, but not since we moved into town. I chose to take them on one of the longer walks that I do from my door, some parts of which they were vaguely familiar with but we had a lovely day and a good news phone call at lunch time, so we were all quite happy.


Gayle, taking advantage of my Photograph Rock…

9.28 miles 602 ft total ascent

And it was all lovely!!! Thank you.